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Department of Physics

In the initial year of the commencement of the college in 2009, PHYSICS was the allied subject for the I Mathematics students. Rev.Sr.Glitta Sumangali, FSAG, M.Sc., MPhil., solely dedicated herself for the upliftment of the 60 students who were literally backward. Special Coaching Classes were held even on Sundays. The day scholars were made to stay in the hostel and were stimulated with special training for University practicals and theory exams.

Regular practicals were conducted for the I Maths students, who were trained individually in two batches with 30 students each. It was an alternative process of doing practicals during the class hours and after the class hours. The class secured cent percent result and 32 centum in practicals.


  • Imparting quality Physics education to the rural young women


  • To provide comprehensive understanding of Physics principle
  • To train young women think scientifically
  • To equip them with practical skills
  • To promote ethical principles in physics research and creative activities
  • To develop all round personality and social concern
  • To mould them as responsible social leaders

Chronology of The Department

  • 2009 – Offering Physics at the allied level
  • 2009 – Syllabi – Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
  • 2010 – Establishment of the Department of Physics
  • 2010 – establish UG Laboratories
  • 2010- Initiating Physics Association Activities
  • 2011 – Creation of Research Cell
  • 2013 – Upgradation of Department as a PG department
  • 2013 – Establishment of PG laboratories
  • 2013 – Launching extension and awareness programme
  • 2014 – Implementing In- house Project
  • 2015- Introduced another section in Physics
  • 2016-Step up of Department as a Research department

Details of Laboratory Instructors

  • Mr. V. Leo
    Lab Assistant I
  • Mrs. S. Kamala
    Lab Assistant II
  • Ms. R Naveena
    Lab Assistant II


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