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Department of English

The Department of English is as old as our college, established in the year 2009. The Department of English is one of the best and dedicated Disciplines ceaselessly educating and energizing students with quality content. The Department offers a comprehensive curriculum to equip students with a sound knowledge of literature and to strengthen their language and communication skills. The faculty constitutes a team of 15 dedicated Members. The English Literary Association and English Literary and communication club conduct various competitions to bring out the latent talents and innate skills of the students. It also conducts seminars and encourages the students to present papers on various genres of literature. The Department has good collection of books.


Imparting quality in teaching English and value-filled education to the rural girls of this area to make them think critically and creatively and also to train them in effective communication skills such as reading, writing and speaking.


• To teach English language and make the rural girls speak, read and write correctly
• To develop effective communication skills in the field of their specialization
• To bring about historical and cultural awareness, instill intellectual growth among students
• To develop critical thinking and make them socially conscious of our democratic rights and responsibilities
• To encourage young budding writers to enhance their creative abilities