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Gonzaga College is established and run by the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga and it is a
registered entity committed for the past two centuries to the cause of education and engaged in social interventions aiming
towards empowering women. This is a Christian minority institution. We cater to the higher education of all girl students
without any distinction of caste, class, creed or religion. Catholics are given preference.

Aims and Objectives :

The primary objective of Gonzaga College is providing a university education to women in a Christian atmosphere. The college aims to provide quality holistic education to women so that they can become leaders and agents of social change. The
College offers the best opportunities to become competitive and it fosters an atmosphere of intellectual vigour and moral
rectitude leading to the realization of empowering the women of our great nation. Gonzaga College is affiliated to the
Periyar University, Salem and follows the syllabus prescribed by the same.

Special Features:

  • Excellent infrastructure
  • R.O. Treated proctected drinking water
  • Meditation Hall
  • Qualified and well experienced Staff
  • Comfortable Residential Hostel
  • Green campus
  • Spacious Classrooms
  • Safe and secure campus
  • Hygienic Canteen
  • State of Art Laboratories
  • Sprawling Playgrounds
  • Transport facilities
  • English Language Laboratory
  • Women friendly environment
  • Remedial coaching
  • Well stacked Library
  • Wide range of curricular and
  • Career Guidance Cell
  • Students Counseling center co-curricular activities
  • Modern Auditorium and Audio-Visual theatre

Eligibility for Admission – UG Courses

A candidate who has passed the Higher Secondary Examination of Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Board or an examination
accepted as equivalent there to by the Syndicate of the Periyar University, Salem is eligible for admission to the bachelor’s
degree course.

Eligibility Certificate:

Eligibility certificate from Periyar University should be produced by candidates who have passed the following examinations :
a) Hr. Sec. Examination of Tamil Nadu Government / Private Study
b) Private candidate from the CBSE under the open school system
c) Higher Secondary or equivalent examinations conducted by other State Boards in India
The candidate is admitted to the courses mentioned above after due scrutiny of application and required documents

Eligibility for Admission – PG Courses (2 Years)

M.A. English : Any candidate who has passed B.A., English or other Bachelor’s degree examinations of this University or any
other University recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto any shall be permitted to appear and qualify for M.A.
M.A. Tamil : Pass in B.A. Tamil
M.Sc. Mathematics : Pass in B.Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Mathematics C.A.
M.Sc. Physics : B.Sc. Physics (Main), in Applied Physics, or B.Sc. Physics (Vocational)
M.Sc. Chemistry : Pass in B.Sc. Chemistry (Main)
M.Sc. Computer Science : Pass in B.Sc. Computer Science / B.C.A. / B.Sc. Computer Technology / B.Sc. Information
Science / B.Sc. Information Technology
M.Com. : Pass in B.Com. / B.Com (CA) or any other degree with one paper in Accountancy

Eligibility for Admission – M.Phil Course

Pass in M.Sc. With First Class


A student once enrolled for a course is expected to complete the same. She may not withdraw from the college without
informing the Principal in writing. Otherwise she will be liable to pay the semester and other fees for the period her name
remains on the rolls.

Submission of the filled in application forms:

The filled in application for all UG courses, along with the required enclosures should reach the College Office within 10 days
from the date of publication of the Higher Secondary Examination results.
The incomplete application and the application forms received after the last date will be rejected.
The duly filled in application form along with the following documents, should reach the college office on or before the
dates mentioned above.
* Attested photocopy of the qualifying examination mark-statement
* Attested photocopy of community certificate (SC/ST/MBC/ BC/OC)
* Attested photocopy of certificate of proof for differently abled / Sports / NCC etc
* Attested photocopy of Baptism certificate for the Roman Catholics
In-person : The duly filled in application form can be submitted in person in the college office on all working days – 9.00
a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
By Post : You can send your application along with a self-addressed (Rs. 5/- stamped) envelop to ”The Principal, Gonzaga
College of Arts and Science for Women, Kathampallam, Elathagiri-635 108, Krishnagiri District to receive your
acknowledgement card by post. Please note that the College is not responsible for any postal delay.
The incomplete application form will summarily be rejected.

Selection :

Communication will be sent only to those who are provisionally selected. The provisionally selected candidate will have
to present herself along with the parent for interview with the Principal on the date mentioned in the call letter without
fail. The provisional selection is automatically cancelled if the candidate fails to be present for the interview on the
scheduled date and time mentioned in the call letter. The interview call letters are sent by post at the risk of candidate.

Interview :

The following original certificates and other documents should be produced at the time of interview for verification and
must be submitted to the college office once your admission is confirmed.
(i) Qualifying examination mark statement and provisional certificate, if any;
(ii) Transfer certificate and conduct certificate;
(iii) Community certificate (SC/ST/BC/MBC/OC);
(iv) Certificate of proof for differently abled / Sports / NCC etc.
(v) Recently taken 3 passport size photos.
Candidates coming for the interview should be prepared to pay the fees immediately if they are selected for admission to
the course.

Hostel :

Only those who have been admitted to the college and enrolled therein can join the Hostel. The application form for the
hostel is available in the hostel office. If selected, the students should meet the Hostel Directress in person for admission.
Parent should accompany the daughter at the time of admission to the Hostel. For Hostel related details, please contact
Hostel Directress, Magizham Hostel, Kathampallam, Elathagiri – 635 108, Krishnagiri District. Cell No. :97863 85046

General :

Admission to the Gonzaga College is no guarantee for a degree. The college expects the students to do serious and
sustained work and utilise the facilities to the maximum for their integral development. No student is allowed to take
tuitions from the teachers of this college. Two CIA Tests will be conducted for each semester 25 marks are allotted for
each paper. It is compulsory for all students to attend the CIA Tests. Examinations will be conducted at the end of each
semester. Attendance is compulsory. Remedial classes are conducted for all the students from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
on all working days except Saturdays. Special coaching is given to all the first year students to communicate in English in
the first semester.
Note of warning to the Students
Ragging in any form is a serious offence and those indulging in it will be summarily dismissed.
Possession of Camera, Mobile phones and other Electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited in the campus.

Note for Parents :

Parent /Guardian are reminded that they are not absolved of their responsibility once the daughter / ward is admitted to
the college. The college expects parent / guardian to cooperate with the college authorities in the education of the
daughter / ward. They should follow the student’s progress in her Studies and general conduct in and outside
the college. Their cooperation is solicited especially to ensure regular attendance. They are asked to take special note
of the warning to the students issued in the previous section.

Fee Structure

1 B Sc. Chemistry 12500 1 M A English 12000
2 B Com. C A 12000 2 M Sc. Mathematics 12000
3 B Sc. Computer Science 13000 3 M Com. 12000
4 B Sc. Computer Science (AI & DS) 13000 4 M Sc. Physics 12500
5 B  C A 13000 5 M Sc. Chemistry 12500
6 B A English 8500 6 M Sc. Computer Science 12500
7 B Sc. Mathematics 10000 7 M A Tamil 10500
8 B Sc. Physics 12500 8 M S W (Social Work) 10500
9 B A Tamil 8500
10 B Sc. Biochemistry 12500
11 B Sc. Costume Design & Fashion 11500
12 B Com. 10000
13 B B A 10000
14 B A History 8500
15 B Sc. Microbiology*
16 B Sc. Computer Science (Cyber Security)*


Gonzaga College of Arts and Science for Women
Kathampallam, Elathagiri – 635 108, Krishnagiri District.