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Fine Arts


Fine arts club of GONZAGA COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE FOR WOMEN provides an opportunity to the students to let their imagination run wild and provides them with the sight to see things in a different way. Students learn from one another and share their prowess in different aspects of art. The college provides ample opportunities to develop talents in different forms of arts like music, singing, dance, drama through Fine Arts Club. This club organizes competitions every year at inter and intra collegiate level also encourages students to take part in competitions held outside the campus too.


The College will be a national leader in the preparation of artists, practitioners, teachers and scholars through educational and creative excellence by the Fine Arts.


The Fine Arts fosters, integrates and promotes the academic and artistic excellence among the youngsters.


Develop and demonstrate skills in critical and analytical thinking through effective speaking, writing

Create, perform and experience work in a variety of art forms with a high level of comprehensive and appreciation

Bring the latent talents of the students to lime light and improve the imagination skill which also help the students develop their leadership abilities.

Club Structure

Faculty Coordinators

Student Elected Members (President, Secretary and Treasurer) Student Voluntary Members

Fine Arts Logo



FACE ARTS club conducted Jesus @ VUCA World (Christmas Competition) on 18-12-2021 totally 240 students were enthusiastically participated from our college.

Our Secretary Rev.Mother.C.Noel Rani FSAG, Principal Rev.Sr.Dr.E.GlittaSumangali FSAG and Vice Principal and Convener of the Face Arts Club Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana FSAG motivated the students.Jesus @ VUCA World explained the spiritual meaning of Christmas to thestudents and pointed out the relevance of the teachings of Jesus Christ, in which Love,Joy, Forgiveness and Peace are core values to be practiced for world peace and harmonyin the context of global terrorism today. The studentsenacted in Drama gave abrief homily on the divine incarnation of the eternal Son of God as Jesus Christ whochanged the history of the world as no other human could ever do. The purpose ofChrist’s birth was essentially to re-humanize dehumanized human beings.The memory of that celebration still lingers in our minds as a veryIt gave an opportunity to the dance lovers to show their talent from the comfort of their homes as we tied to cope up with the new realities of social distancing. We invited Ms. Tamilarasi, Head Department of ECE, PSV College of Engineering & Technology & Ms. Chandralatha, Music Teacher, St. Ann’s School, Krishnagiri.

The Programme ended up with great success by the co-operation of the members of FACE ARTS club.


Face Arts Club Convener Rev. Sr. A. John Dayana, FSAG Vice Principal organized the  Lettering Workshop 2021. Itheld for 12 days, started from 03.12.2021 to 23.12.2021. Ms Swetha , Assistant Professor, Department of Costume Design and Fashion .She was  the trainer of this workshop. The theme of the workshop was to improve their creativity skill and learning the cutting work. Tamil, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,Biochemistry, Computer Science, Commerce  with Computer Application, Computer Application, Costume Design and Fashiondepartment students joined in this workshop.38 students participated in this programme. She taught Tracing of Letters, Thermocol Cutting, Motives Drawing, Elements and Principles of Drawing and Painting Techniques. They learned very well .



Music binds our soul, hearts and emotions. It cheers the spirit and lightens the heart. To bring out the singing talents of the students, Face Arts Club conducted the Mega Singing Contest 2021. The competition was organized on 10 December 2021 (Friday). The aim of the contest is to encourage the students to praise the lord during the morning assembly, hence they were asked to choose interested ten songs from their handbook. All departments participated and put forth their enthralling performance. Additional points were given to the departments where the staff joined with their students.  The mellifluous songs pulled the heartstrings of the audience. Department of Physics bagged the first position for the melodious rendition of “The Lord is my Shepherd”. Department of Mathematics bagged the second place and third place bagged up by Department of Commerce. Rev. Sr. Josephine Mary Superior, Rev. Sr. Motcham, FSAG staff of Gonzaga Matric Hr. Sec. School was the guest of the programme. Rev. Mother C Noel Rani, FSAG Secretary and Rev. Dr. E GlittaSumangali, FSAG Principal enlightened the students. Vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Manimegalai, Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry. The entire events organized by Rev. Sr. A John Dayana, FSAG Vice-Principal and the Face Arts Club Members.  Around 1300 students participated in the contest. The event ended up with the National Anthem


FACE ARTS club conducted Video Creating Competition through online on 09-11-2020 totally 19 students were enthusiastically participated from our college.Our college Face Arts Club Association motivated the students and the Staff to never stop their talents due to this pandemic and planned to conduct a competition through online. It gave an opportunity to the participants to broaden their digital reach through viral social media interaction. A well – crafted contest costs little or no money to launch, giving you an effective way to tap into the creativity of hobbyists and filmmakers looking to practice their skills. Videos are the backbone of online digital entertainment and people love to be the star of their own show. All the participants received participation Certificate in the name “The Star of Gonzaga”.


FACE ARTS club conducted ThaKaThiMiTha (A Solo Dance Competition) through online on 28-08-2020 totally 20 students were enthusiastically participated from our college.

We The Face Arts Club motivated the students to never stop their talents due to this pandemic and planned to conduct a competition through online. It gave an opportunity to the dance lovers to show their talent from the comfort of their homes as we tied to cope up with the new realities of social distancing.

Year Converner/Co convener Date Events/Programme
2020-2021 Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana 09.11.2020 Video Making Competition
2020-2021 Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana 28.08.2020 Thakka Thimmi Tha


Some of the Freshers on Red Carpet






Gyo Fest 20

On 04/02/2020,  a colourful and memorable cultural fest  was  organized in our college. This event held whole day in Quadrangle and off stage programme held at different venue in the campus. In this mega event 144 participants from various colleges took part. This Competion offers a chance to exhbit the talents of Other College Students and it build the bond between Our college students with other Students, hence our students Leadership quality also Improved.

Gonzaga College Fine Arts Committee organized students to take part in intercollegiate cultural meet organized by Muthayammal College at Namakkal. Students volunteered to participate in the cultural events. The events like variety entertainment, Mehandi , Glass Painting, Solo Dance, Solo Singing, Face Painting, Fashion Show, Pencil Sketching, Hairdo and Miming was conducted from  23 and 24 January 2020. Our students got first prizes in Solo dance, solo singing and Mehandi.

Year Convener / Co Convener Date Programme
2020 Sr. A John Dyana

Ms. Saranya Deepika

23 01 2020 Mehendi
2020 Sr. A John Dyana

Ms. Saranya Deepika

24 01 2020 Solo Dance
2020 Sr. A John Dyana

Ms. Saranya Deepika

24 01 2020 Solo Singing

Dance Festival

The more a dancer can listen closely, the more they can stay on beat and develop their musicality. Good listening skills are one of the most important things you can teach a child. It helps them be successful in school, understanding rules, and communicating with others. Hence, We provide an opportunity to the students to the Replica of the dance of the best heroes of 1990-Present. Our students exhibit their talents in beautiful and elegant style.

Thaka Thimi Tha & Sari Kama Pa

Through this competitions our students got an opportunity to display your individual brilliance, main aim of these events are “Be the star of the stage that’s all yours” The stage gives the chance to flaunt best moves and elegance. This chance to frees yourself and express the best by singing and dancing.

Karka kasa dara

 Water is one of the most important substances that are needed for plants and animals. We cannot lead our day to day life without water. Water is necessary not only for drinking but also for our day to day life purposes like bathing, cooking, cleaning, and washing and so on. We cannot imagine a life without water. So we conducted Essay completion on the topic “Put a stop to a drop” Students expressed their elegant talents through writing and Elocution competition.

Year Converner/Co convener Date Events/Programme
2019-2020 Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana 04.02.2020 Gyo Fest 20
2019-2020 Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana 12.01.2020 Dance Festival
2019-2020 Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana 17.08.2019 Thaka thimmi tha & Sare Kama Pa
2019-2020 Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana 12.07.2019 Karka kasa dara



With the aim of enhancing the dancing skill of the Students, the “Face Arts”- club organized DANCE FESTIVAL on 11.01.2019. Two competitions were held for the students in department wise. The first event was “1980’s couple dance round “participants danced enthusiastically and won great applause from the audience, enthralled everyone with their fantastic performance. The theme of the second event was “Harvest festival of different Indian states”. The sparkling dancers set the floor on fire with their energetic performance.


There is an intra-college Paper bag making competition conducted by FACE ARTS club on 03/09/2018. The event starts at 10.30 a.m. with the prayer song. 39 participants are competed in this competition. The times given to the participants to make bags are 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. We exhibited their creation in library. The main Aim of this competition is to create awareness among the students not to use Plastic bags and Plastic Products. It shows the Intention of “Plastic Free Gonzaga”


FACE  ARTS club conducted SaReGaMaPa,  & ThaKaThiMiTha competitions  at

11.30 a.m. on 20 Augest 2018. Our college nightingales showed their talent in a very eminent way. Followed by SaReGaMaPa, ThaKaThiMiTha starts. Our college dancing queens participated in ThaKaThiMiTha made that event as a exotic way. The singing style  and  dancing  forms  of  our  young  talent  students  and  astonished  by  their

performance. The main motto is to find the best Singers and Dancers of Gonzaga.


There is an intra-college STAND UP COMEDY competition conducted by FACE ARTS club on 29-09-2018. 35 participants are competed in this competition. Stand-up comedians performed in front of a live audience. And they delivered their jokes through the use of a typical jokes, delivered setups and punch lines, respectively. They made everyone laugh with their jokes.

Year Converner/Co convener Date Events/Programme
2018-2019 Rev Sr Dr E Glitta  Sumangali 11.01.2019 Dance Festival Stand Up Comedy
2018-2019 Rev Sr Dr E Glitta  Sumangali 03.09.2018 Paper Bag Making
2018-2019 Rev Sr Dr E Glitta  Sumangali 20.08.2018 Thakka Thimmi Tha & Sara Re Gama Pa
2018-2019 Rev Sr Dr E Glitta  Sumangali 29.09.2018 Stand up Comedy


Dance Festival

Dance Festival was conducted by the Fine Arts Association on 13 January 2018 with all its splendor and grandeur. The primary aim of this competition is to test the talents and creativity of the students in Dance. And the winners were honoured and awarded and all the participants were given certificates.

Year Converner/Co convener Date Events/Programme
2017-2018 Rev Sr Dr E Glitta Sumangali 13.01.2018 Dance Festival


Dance Festival

Dance Festival was conducted by the Fine Arts Association on 13 January 2017 with all its splendor and grandeur. The primary aim of this competition is to test the talents and creativity of the students in Dance. And the winners were honoured and awarded and all the participants were given certificates.

Year Converner/Co convener Date Events/Programme
2016-2017 Rev Sr Dr E Glitta Sumangali 13.01.2017 Dance Festival