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Exam Cell


  • There are two components in the evaluation and assessment of a student, namely Continuous Assessment (CA) and Semester Examination (SE). The CA will take place during the course of the semester and the SE shall be conducted at the end of each semester. i.e., the Odd semester in October – November and the Even Semester in March – April.
  • UG courses (B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / BCA) shall consist of six semesters; and PG courses shall consist of four semesters.


  1. Rev. Sr. A John Dayana, FSAG
  2. Dr. M Manivannan
  3.  Ms. S Ajithakumari
  4. Ms. A Christy Amali
  5. Mr. A Madalaimuthu
  6. Mr. A Antony Raj


  • The component and actual conduct of CA are entrusted to the respective Departments.
  • The maximum marks for CA is 25 for UG and PG Courses.
  • Two written tests are conducted centrally and the average is taken. In case a Student is absent for valid reason, another test may be conducted at the discretion of the Principal.
  • There is no provision for improvement of CA.
  • Attendance marks are to be given for each paper for UG.
CA  I CA II Other Components Total
Attendance Quiz / Seminar/ Assignment
7.5 7.5 5 5 25