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Commerce Department Reports


The Department of Commerce (CA) was established in 2009. The Post Graduate Course (M.Com) was started in 2015.We promotes quality education in Commerce and empowers students to develop their knowledge and skills in all fields of Commerce. Intensive coaching is given to our students to achieve academic excellence and equip them with self-confidence. We have made great achievements all through our journey by winning awards in academic and cultural competitions at inter collegiate level.

Ms. B. Mary Theresa, M.Com., M.Phil., was appointed as the Head of the Department in the year 2009, Ms. K. Kanjana, M.Com, M.Phil., had been appointed as the Head of the Department in the academic year 2009-2010.Mr. A. Bairesan M.Com., M.Phil.,.was the Head of the Department in 2010-2011 with 2 staff members in the department.In 2012 onwards Ms. K. Usha. M.Com. M.Phil., became Head of the department, 03 new staff were appointed. In 2015 Post graduate course were introduced and 2 more staff members appointed. In 2016 Ms. K. Usha. M.Com. M.Phil.,Head of the department,with 8 staff members.In 2019 Rev.Sr.A.JohnDayana, appointed as an assistant professor in our department.In 2020 Ms. P.ShanmugapriyaM.Com.,M.Phil.,SET., Head of the department with 7 staffs members.Ms.V. Anitha ., M.Com., M.Phil., newly appointed as assistant professor this year.


To enhance women entrepreneurship and employability through commerce education


  •  To promote quality education and empower students to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of commerce.
  •  To encourage students to explore their managerial and entrepreneur skills.
  • To work in teams, interact and enrich them to become socially responsible women.


Academic and extra-curricular activities complement each other and develop a well-rounded, socially skilled and healthier student; association activities are to develop students both within the institution and externally, including local and national issues. Students’ unions and leadership qualities are also responsible for providing a variety of events and programs to students. The department organized various events in the name of Comet.Its main objectives are to find out the students skills, knowledge and development. Every year the management and the department have decided to appoint department organizing President and Students Secretary, Joint- Secretaries for the Department association.

Date Name of the Institution Seminars / Conferences / Workshop No. of Participants

(Students/Research Scholars/Faculty





Gonzaga College National Seminar

On “Entrepreneurship & Artificial Intelligence”

291 Students, Faculties Participated
19.08.2023& 20.08.2023 Marudhar Kesari Jain College for Women, Vaniyambadi “National Seminar on Preparing HR For the future AI Driven Skills Development and Training Initiatives” 3 Students & 1 Faculty Paper Presented &Participated
19.08. 2023 Sacred Heart College (Autonomous),Tirupattur “National Workshop on Executive Skill- 2023” 2 Students Participated
11.08.2023  Sacred Heart College (Autonomous),Tirupattur One day National Workshop on Professional Course 15 Students Participated



Gonzaga College Trade Fair 30 Stalls Participated
05.04.2023 Gonzaga College A Workshop on Role of Capital Market in the Indian Economy” 120 Students Participated
05.04.2023 Gonzaga College A Workshop on GST A Comprehensive Approach to Students Learning 62 Students Participated
11.03.2023 Arignar Anna College, Krishnagiri Inter Collegiate Competition COMFEST 2K23 15 Students 1st Prize -Face Painting

2nd Prize -Mime,2nd Prize -Mono Acting,2nd Product Lunch

17.02.2023    Nirmala College, Autonomous, Coimbatore &St.VincentPallottiCollege,Bangalore      Lecture Series “Networking to Work Beyond Boundaries”

(Hybrid Mode)

181 students and 6 faculties Participated
17.02.2023 Don Bosco College, Yellagiri National Level Symposium COMFEST 2K23 17 Students and 1 Faculty Participated
30.01.2023-03.02.2023 Periyar University FDP Naan Mudhalvan- A Massive Upskilling Progamme 2 Faculty Participated
27.10.2022 Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur EDUSIGHTS -2022 42 Students and 1 Faculty Participated
20.10.2022 St.Joseph’s College of Arts and Science for Women,Hosur One Day Work Shop in “Research Methodology in Social Science using SPSS” 7 Students and 1 Faculty Participated
13.10.2023 Gonzaga College National Level Webinar on “Creative Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs” 250 Participants Participated
13.05.2022 Gonzaga College Workshop on “Data Analysis Using SPSS” 34 Students and 14 Staff Members Participated Organized by the department
28.1.2022 Gonzaga College A “Workshop to become a Chartered Accountant” 63 Students have Participated Organized by the department
08.11.2022 Gonzaga College Financial Literacy Programme “Investors Awareness Programme” Around 35 Faculties Participated Organized by the department
27.10.2022 Gonzaga College State Level Webinar “Artificial Intelligence in Business” 234 Students, Research Scholars, and Faculties Participated Organized by the department
25.08.2022 Gonzaga College Stock Market Online Quiz 65Students,      Research scholars faculties have participated Organized by the department
28.03.2021 Gonzaga College Webinar


“Financial Education Awareness”


230 Students and 4 faculties participated Organized by the department
29 .10.2021


Gonzaga College State-Level Webinar“ More Appropriate investment avenues for women” 75 Students,      Research scholars faculties have participated Organized by the department
06.10.2020 to 08.10.2020


Gonzaga College BIZ -QUIZ -2020 Online  Quiz 75 Students, Research scholars faculties have participated Organized by the department
25.02.20 Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur Inter-Collegiate Competition


13 UG Students Participated
07.02.20 Government Arts College (Men’s),Krishnagiri State Level Workshop on “Statistical analysis for social science research using SPSS and Excel” 9 PG Students Participated
18.09.19 Gonzaga College National Workshop On “New Fangled of Financial Market” 175 Students, Research scholars faculties are participated Organized by the department
09.10.18 Periyar University


International Conference on Significance of Joint Liability Group 6 Faculties
19.09.18 Kongu College of Arts and Science  for  Women,


One Day International Seminar on Recent Trends in Marketing Technology 3 Faculties
31.08.18 Padmavani College of Arts and Science For Women,


One Day International Conference on Women Empowerment in Digital India 2 students &  8 Faculties
19.09.18 Kongu College of Arts and Science for women,


One Day International Seminar on Recent Trends in Marketing Technology 1 student
11.09.17 Adhiyaman College Uthangarai One Day National Seminar on Digital Banking 15 students & 1 faculty
24.07.17 Income Tax Department,


Role of Income Tax in Nation Building 1 student II- Prize
07.09.17 Gonzaga college National Workshop on “Modern Tactics in Digital Marketing” 215 Students ,Research scholars faculties are participated Organized by the department
24.09.16 Adhiyamaan College,


State level workshop “Recent Trends and Development in Commerce” 17 students&2 faculties
09.09.16 Gonzaga College National Conference

“New Dimension in M – Commerce”

450 Students,

Research scholars faculties are participated

Organized by the department
06.09.16 Loyola College,


National Seminar on “Current trends in Internet Marketing” 12 students& 1 faculty Presented paper
01.09.16 St.Joseph’s College Of Arts And Science For Women,


One day National Conference “Contemporary issues in commerce and Management” 11 students & 1 faculty Presented paper
26.08.16 Don Bosco College, Dharmapuri One day National Seminar “Recent Challenges and Opportunities in Entrepreneurs 10 students& 1 faculty
19.08.16 Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur CONFLUENCE-2K16 14 students
10.02.16 Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur Department of Business Administration


13 students
10.02.16 Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur National Seminar on “The Changing face of HRM in the Modern Era’’ 11 students & 1 faculty
09.01.16 AVS College Arts and Science, Salem One Day Inter National Conference on “720 Degree Appraisal” 8 students& 1 faculty
07.10.15 Gonzaga college National Conference on “Recent Dimensions of Commerce” 125 Students,

Research scholars faculties are participated

Organized by the department
08.09.15 Loyola College of Arts and Science, Vettavalam, Thiruvannamalai Inter Collegiate Competition


12 students III Prize in ADZAP

I Prize in MIME III Prize in Dance

21.02.15 Gonzaga College National Conference on “E-Banking and Financial Inclusion” 156 Students , Research scholars, faculties participated Organized by the department



Sacred Heart College Tirupattur Intercollegiate National workshop on Building Capacity of Rural Graduate students
14.02.14 Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur Participated inter collegiate competition ‘commits 14 students Won second place in Ad Zap competition got participation certificates
18.02.14 Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur Inter collegiate Competition “SHAPE’14” Tongue twister” and “Product launch”, “Tick Tick” 16 students I place in “Tongue twister” and “Product launch”. In “Tick Tick” they got II place and in “Quiz” they got III place  &got over all third place
11.10.13 Don Bosco College of Arts &Science, Dharmapuri National Seminar on Global Financial Crisis And its Impact On Indian Economy 11 Students participated &

5 students presented their papers and got certificates

25.09.13 Bharathiyar Arts & Science College, Deviyakurichi, Salem Inter collegiate meet

Quiz, product launch, the boss, risk hunter & Cultural (mime).

15 students Ist prize in 3 Events (Product Launch, Risk, Hunter, Mime) and also won the Overall Championship
12.02.13 Sacred Heart Arts & College,


‘SHAPE- 13’ 10 students Got III prizes
09.02.13 Arignar Anna Arts & Science College, Krishnagiri National workshop on Application of statistical tools, techniques and writing skill in research methodology 1 faculty

3 students

19. 01.13 Sri VidhyaMandir Arts and Science College,


‘SEASAW-13’ 15 students Third prize
28.2.13 Gonzaga College One-Day State Level Seminar

“Challenges and prospects in HR in the Modern ERA”

233 Students, Research scholars faculties Organized by the department
07.09. 12 Don BoscoCollege of arts and Science College,


State level seminar on “Recent challenges on Entrepreneurial Development” 1 faculty

15 students

31.08 .12 VIT University Vellore One day workshop on “A Role of corporate securities” 10 students

1 faculty

03.02.12 Sacred Heart College


“Wonder a COMMITS’12” 12 students

1 faculty

III Prize  and individual championship with the cash prize
11.01.12 Don Bosco Art & Science College, Dharmapuri “Role of Financial Sector in Economic Development” 1Faculty



Vysya Institute of Management Studies, Salem. Sponsored by Co-coordinator of Vysya Institute, Salem “National Level Faculty Development Programme” 2 Faculty



Periyar University, Salem, Organized by center for Entrepreneurship Development, Tamil Nadu. Sponsored by Department of science and technology, Govt of India & Ministry of MSME,Hyderabad. Two-week “Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship” 1Faculty
24.09.10 Sacred Heart College,


Retail Management in Indian Scenario” 1Faculty

Name of Comet.Its main objectives are to find out the student’s skills, knowledge, and development. Every year the management and the department have decided to appoint a department organizing President and Students Secretary, Joint- Secretaries for the Department association.


The enrichment program motivates the students to participate in internal activities which will develop their skills, confidence, and personality and will improve their creativity to pursue their goals and knowledge about the subject. The enrichment program which includes bank training is very helpful in understanding the role of banking and the functions of a bank which helps the students to get practical exposure.

Date Events/Programme
05.04.2023 A Workshop on “GST A Comprehensive Approach to Students Learning
05.04.2023 A Workshop on “Role of Capital Market in the Indian Economy”
17.02.2023  Lecture Series “Networking to Work Beyond Boundaries”

(Hybrid Mode)

28.01.2022 A Workshop to Become a Chartered Accountant



Bank Training Programme– Lakshmi Vilas Bank
24.01.20 Guest Lecture “Research Methodology



Bank Training Programme-Practical knowledge about banking process – Allahabad Bank
03.08.17 Guest Lecture“Awareness on GST and SEBI
09.02.17 Guest Talk“Stress Management and Interpersonal Skills”.
06.01.17 Guest Lecture“Awareness on Demonetization and Cashless Transaction
27.02.16 Awareness Programme-Save Public Sector
28.01.16 Guest Lecture&Comet Quiz 2K16
10.10.14 Comet Marketing “Business Quiz & Product Marketing”
17.09.13 Guest Lecture on “Awareness of Tally ERP 9”
20.02.14 Guest Lecture“A Matrix of Winning Strategies in CA Examinations”
03 .09.13 Role of Micro Finance; Media of Marketing & its Strategies;Current development trends in Indian Banking System”
24.07.13 Guest Lecture“Plagiarism in Research”
20.12.10 Seminars on ‘Financial Matters in India’


An industrial visit is to provide an insight regarding the internal working of companies. We understand that theoretical knowledge is not enough for successful learning. It will provide students practical perspective of the workplace. It provides an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, working methods, and employment practices.

Date Place Participants
03.02.2024 Accent Techno Soft Company, Coimbatore 29 UG and 9 PG Students
15.04.2023 Salem Steel Plant, Salem 38 UG and 5 PG Students
06.09.19 Katerra Technology,Kurubarapalli,Krishnagiri 27 UG and 12 PG Students
08.09.18 P.B.Bhavani Singh Perfumery manufacturing company,Yercaud All UG and PG Students
18.08.17 Majestic Paper Products Private Limited, Karimangalam, Dharmapuri. 39 Students – III B.Com (CA)

8 students – II.M.Com

10.12.16 ShafeeqShameel& co., Tanners & Exporters of Finished Leathers, Ambur 47 Students – III B.Com (CA)

11 Students – I & II M.Com


Outreach is an activity of providing services to rural area students who might not otherwise have access to those services. Every year our department wants to promote and support a community of learning and engagement.Basic accounting concepts and how to create a journal and ledger, Final Accounts are taught to the rural school children. Our student selected a petty shop and guided the shopkeeper on how to maintain the accounts to know their regular income, expenses, and the gain they earn out of their business.  They also taught the calculation of interest to the members of the Self-Help Group and account maintenance procedures to the Milk vendor.

Date Programme Venue



Basics of Commerce, Accounting Rules & Economics Government Higher Secondary School, Alapatti



Basics of Commerce, Accounting Rules & Economics Government Higher Secondary School, Orappam



“Basics of Commerce, Accounting Rules & Economics” Gonzaga Matric Hr.Secondary School, Kathampallam



Basics of Commerce & Accounting Rules” Govt.Girls.Hr.SecondarySchool,Bargur
01.02.16 Basic Tally Gonzaga College



Petty Shop accounts maintenance PaneerselvamStreet,Kaveripattinam
Cost of processing milk Kaveripattinam
Self help group-Basic Calculations Self helpgroup,K.Mottur, Kurumpatti,


31.11.15 Basics of Accounts Government Higher Secondary School,Krishnagiri


  • Dr.A John Dayana has been awarded a Ph.D. Degree-2022.
  • P. Shanmugapriya, Assistant Professor has qualified for the lectureship by the State Eligibility Test – 2017.
  • K.Victoria Keren Happuch,Assistant Professor has qualified for the lectureship by the National Eligibility Test – 2019.


  • K Uma Parameswari,”A Study on Discipline and Performance employees in leather industries situated in Chennai”
  • Dr.K Uma Parameswari, ‘The Role of Commercial Banks in Financing Micro Business(With reference to Krishnagiri District) UGC Care Group I Journal Vol-82 No.11 July- December 2022(ISSN: 0974-0066)
  • Ms.P Shanmugapriya, ‘The Role of Commercial Banks in Financing Micro Business (With reference to Krishnagiri District) UGC Care Group I Journal Vol-82 No.11 July- December 2022(ISSN: 0974-0066)
  • Ms.A Geetha ‘The Role of Commercial Banks in Financing Micro Business (With reference to Krishnagiri District) UGC Care Group I Journal Vol-82 No.11 July- December 2022(ISSN: 0974-0066)
  • Ms.D Chitra, ‘The Role of Commercial Banks in Financing Micro Business (With reference to Krishnagiri District) UGC Care Group I Journal Vol-82 No.11 July- December 2022(ISSN: 0974-0066)
  • Dr. A John Dayana, ‘Impact of Life Insurance Policy Attributes on Policy Holders Satisfaction’ Webology (ISSN:1735-188X) Volume 18,Number 6, 2021.
  • Sr. A John Dayana, ‘Research and Reflection on Education’ ISSN: 0974-648X Volume: 19 Number 01A, April 2021.
  • Dr.K Uma Parameswari, ‘The Role of Commercial Banks in Lending Micro Credit to Priority Sector’ ISSN: 0011-9342/Year 2021.


S.No Name of the Experts
1 Dr. J Anthony Gruze Thangaraj Professor &  Head, Post – Graduate Department of  Commerce Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade  College, Kolar Gold Fields
2 Dr. S Mohandass, Principal  in Deputation & Head (I/C)  Department of Commerce, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore
3 Prof.RSreelakshmi, Head &Assistant Professor,Department of Commerce, St.VincentPallotti College,Bangalore
4 Prof.BeenaPrecilla, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St.VincentPallotti College,Bangalore
5 LT (Dr). C Gnanlin Shiny, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Voorhees College, Vellore
6 Dr. S N Nadeem, Associate Professor in Commerce & Management, Government First Grade College, Kolar
7 Dr. K Kishore,Assistant Professor, Voorhees College,Vellore
8 Ms. CA Nivedha,Chartered Accountant, DivyaFelix,ND Academy Pondicherry
9 Mr. Mani Ram, Wealth Coach South Regional Officer of SEBI, Krishnagiri District.
10 Dr.SBalaMurugan, Head and Assistant Professor in Commerce(IB), Government Arts College,Avinash
11 Dr.M.Thanigaivelu, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce,Govt. Arts College for Men,


12 Mr.G Vijay Raghavan, Managing Director and National Head at pentad securities, StockathonAcademy,Bengaluru.
13 Mr.PPradeepNandha Kishore,Marketing Head, Zoink digital designs,Chennai
14 Ms.AMahalakshmi, Trainer Stockathon Academy,Bengaluru
15 Dr.J.AntonyCruzeThangaraj, M.Com.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,M.BA Assistant Professor,Supervisor& Research Guide,Department of Commerce (CA),

KSR College of Arts and Science,Tiruchengode

16 Mr. CA. T. PothiMadhavan,Chartered Accountant from Chennai
17 Dr. S. Maria Antonyraj, M.Com.,M.Phil.,M.B.A.,Ph.D.Asst. Professor & Head, Department of Commerce (CA), M.G.R College, Hosur
18 Mr .K. Kishore,Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce, Sacred Heart College,Tirupattur
19 CA.Mr.B.C.Vadivel, B.Com, FCA, CWA,ChartedAccountant,Krishnagiri
20 CA.U.Umasankar, B.Com (CA),ACS,ACA,CharteredAccountant,Bhopal
21 Dr. G.L.Narayanappa,Dean,Chairman of BOS School of Commerce & Management Director,Directorate of Distance Education DravidianUniversity,Kuppam
22 Dr.S.Thamilarasan,Head, Department of Commerce,Govt Arts College


23 Dr. S. M. Krishnan,Head, Dept. of Commerce,Govt. Arts College for Men,


24 Dr. A. Dunstan Raj Kumar,Associate Professor, VIT University,Vellore
25 Dr. S. Sagayaraj,Asst.Professor,Govt. Thirumagal Mills College,Vellore
26 Dr.N.C.Chandrasekaran,FormerPrincipal,KandasamyKandar College,(Namakkal District)Paramathi Vellore


  • To upgrade our department with research courses.
  • To increase collaboration with industries to part take in their training and research efforts.