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Alumnae Report

Alumnae Report (2021-22)

The Alumni Association of   Gonzaga College of Arts and Science for Women  organized a programme “ALUMNI MEET 2022”- facilitate, consolidate and coordinate Alumni Activities at Department wise on 26 March 2022. The alumni meet is to reconnect with the Alumni and celebrate their success and various achievements. The meet started at 10.00 a.m. with the registration team. The aim of the establishment of Alumni Association is to develop and to maintain long-term relationship with alumni in a widespread. It is a very active alumnus working for the development of the college. In the Department, the Alumni Meet started with Prayer service and welcome address by the alumni association members. The meeting was graced by the all HODs of   various departments; in turn they welcomed all the alumni for responding to the invitation from college and being present for the alumni meeting despite of their busy schedule. A total number of 825 Alumni around the world from various departments were attended for the Alumni Meet.The event was stimulating and enjoyable and simultaneously profitable as all members shared their views and good numbers of new ideas, information and insights came up. The association is hopeful to run and successfully structure and position itself into a fully functional global platform for Gonzaga Alumni. The alumni association sincerely expressed its gratitude to the Management for their guidance and support to make the event a grand success.

Alumnae Report (2019-20)

The Alumnae is conducted on second Saturday of February every year in order to reconnect with the alumnae and celebrate their success and various achievements. Accordingly, the Alumnae Association of Gonzaga College has organized the “Reconnect 2020” on 08.02.2020. The Alumnae started arriving at 9.30 a.m and they were welcomed by the registration team. The programme commenced at 10.00 a.m. with an invocation song, followed by reading from the holy books and lighting of the lamp as part of the inauguration ceremony. Ms. K.Victoria Keren Happuch, Convener of the Alumnae Association, welcomed the dignitaries and all the alumnae for responding to the invitation from the college and made them available for the alumnae meet. Our Secretary Rev.Mother C.Noel Rani greeted the alumnae with her words of blessings. Rev.Dr.E.Glitta Sumangali, Principal of our college highlighted the milestones reached by the institution in the recent days. The chief guest of the day was Dr.S.M.Krishnan, Head & Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Government Arts College for Men, Krishnagiri. He addressed about the importance and role of the Alumnae and their contribution towards the college betterment and the society. He motivated the students to go for higher studies and to give due respect to parents and teachers.

Ms. Sindhu of III B.A.(Tamil) read a Tamil poem for the alumnae. The interactive session was graced by Rev.Sr.A.John Dayana, Vice Principal. A sharing session with the Alumnae ensued and participants shared their views about their current status, their favourite spots in the college campus, what they miss about the college, how the foundation laid by our institution took them a long way in life etc.

We had fun games and the alumnae participated with much enthusiasm and prizes were given.

Vote of thanks was proposed by Ms.S.Jaipreethika, II B.Sc. (Biochemistry). She thanked the alumnae for taking time to be part of this reunion. She also thanked all the organizers of the Alumnae meet. The program came to an end with the National Anthem. Thereafter we had photo session and refreshment was served.

Around 250 students participated in the Alumnae meet. Indeed, it was a great time of reunion and a day with memorable moments.



Ms. Radhika 9445971707 President
Ms.Sornalatha 8610350188 Vice President
Ms.Dhivyasri 9629082037 Secretary
Ms.Parimala 9443588409 Joint Secretary
Ms.Kafila 9443288409 Treasurer

Alumnae Report (2016-17)

The former Gonzagaites were present at their Alma Mater on 11 February 2017 at Gonzaga College of Arts & Science for Women, Kathampallam. Sr. A. M. Jansi, the Convener welcomed the gathering. Rev Mother C. Noel Rani, the Secretary and Dr.S.Maheswari the Principal extended a warm welcome and addressed them. The special guest Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Emmanuel SJ the Aicuf National Advisor threw a light on the role of Alumnae in the growth of the Institution and the society at large. He cited examples of different Alumni around the Globe and how they are interconnected and is a pleasant home coming to be in touch with their roots. Department heads and the staff felicitated the group and wished them success in their future endeavors. Office bearers were elected by the members. They resolved to conduct Alumnae meet every year at the second week second Saturday of February. Indeed it’s a pleasant day to meet their friends and teachers.

Alumnae Report (2015-16)

On the initiative and invitation of the Principal, all the former students gathered for a day get together on 31 October 2015 at Gonzaga College of Arts and College for Women, Kathampallam. There were about 250 students from all the disciplines took active participation in it. Rev. Fr. Dr. A. Joseph S. J, the Principal of Gonzaga College of Arts and Science for Women, chronologically enumerated the historical growth and development of the institution and enumerated the qualities for the new association to emulate. That was followed by the key note address of college Secretary Rev Mother C. Noel Rani. In her speech she emphasized the need for the students to remain connected with each other as well as with the institution which has molded them. She also stressed the point that the people have to go back to their roots and do something for the society.  The motivational talk given by Rev. Fr. Dr. A. Joseph S. J strengthened the conviction of the enthusiastic former students and as a result, a group of student leaders came forward to establish the Former students Association and chalked out its vision and plan of action. When some representatives of the old students were invited to articulate. Ms. S. Abinya, Ms.I. Siliviya Jenifer, Ms.S.Ashwini, Ms.A.Jenifa Rani, Ms.S.Kavioya, Ms.A.Priya, Ms.Ms.D.Amudhavalli, Ms.S. Sangeetha, Ms.A.Asma, Ms. Z.Meher Aaliya, Ms S. Shipa, Ms.S. Suganya, Ms.A. Prbha came forward to address the gathering and recalled the unforgettable pleasant memories of the past. This was followed by an elaborate discussion in which they decided to form Former students Association with an ad hoc committee. The Association with all their heart and soul decided to extend their full support and co-operation for the development of Gonzaga College of Arts and College for Women, as well as social activities. Indeed it was a historical day Gonzaga College of Arts and College for Women. We hope this will reach its zenith in the days to come.

Alumnae Report (2013-14)

Indeed it was a pleasant day as 450 former students gathered on 13 December 2015 to recall  and cherish their past memories at Gonzaga College of Arts and College for Women, Kathampallam. Rev Mother C. Noel Rani, secretary and Rev. Fr. Dr. L. Michael Doss, S. J, the Principal and Sr. Nirmala Jyothi Asst. Professor of Mathematics, Gonzaga College of Arts and College for Women, extended a warm welcome and addressed the gathering. However the 2010-2013 batches had their get together at their respective departments. The Department heads and the staff felicitated the group and paved the way to share their experiences at Gonzaga. It was a rare opportunity for their home coming, stay closer with their college and friends. They called off the meeting with a sumptuous meal. In deed this was the first gathering for the Gonzagaites which has sowed the seed of Former students Association which will surely grow into full-fledged tree and bear fruits.